Creating a WordPress Events Plugin and Ordering the EventsCreating a WordPress plugin is pretty easy. What's not always easy is figuring out what data you need and how you're going to manage and manipulate that data. So if you're interested in how I initially messed that up and then found an elegant solution, read on!
Learning MySQL With ExpressJS (Part 0)I've started working on an experiment to learn more about SQL and WordPress by building a node app!
Starting with Prisma and DockerFirst part of a series on building an application using graphql, prisma, and Docker.
Creating a Martial Arts Training App Part 3 - Relay Pagination with Cursors, Edges, and NodesIn part 1 of this series, I described how to create a prisma model for a user and then a type definition for apollo server to access that user on the database. In this post, I get into relay style pagination with cursors.
Creating a Martial Arts Training App Part 1 - Set UpI'm working on a martial arts training app and journaling the process. In this post, I get into how I set up my app to use: NextJS, prisma JS, and Apollo Server.