Using SVGs from a CDN?The other day I was thinking about inline svgs and (vs?) font icons. Mostly because I'm kind of a nerd. But then I started about better ways of managing svgs in our projects. Find out how I ended up at a small gulp task to help manage them.
Set up a headless raspberry pi for fun!The Raspberry Pi is a fun, inexpensive computer. Learn how to set up yours and connect to it from anywhere.
Setting up a New MacBook Pro for Web DevelopmentRecently I bought a new MacBook Pro. Read about some of the tools I added for web development.
How to Calculate Color ContrastLearn the basic concepts behind how to calculate color contrast.
Quick Aliases for GitTired of typing out the same long git commands over and over? Speed up your workflow with these aliases!
Git! Move!Every once in a while, we all have to rename a file in a git repo. Find out about the `git mv` command and how it can help keep your commits clearer and cleaner.
Find ItThe other day I got frustrated having to write the same command in my terminal over and over. So, I wrote a tiny bash function to handle it for me! Find out how it's good (and not as good as I might like).
Bash ExansionBash expansion is a great way to save time in the command line. Learn how it's done!